jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2009

Graphs about Life satisfaction and Sources of stress.

I chose this graphs because the topics about life satisfaction and sources of stress are very interesant. I think that this types of conversation about this topics are very common in the daily life.

I think that is very important to have a life satisfaction because this carries to the happiness and satisfaction as person.

The graph about life satisfaction show us that the major satisfaction (with a ninety percent) is the family relationships. I think that it is a good response because in the life the priority in all moment is the family and the relations with the people. The percent that continue are major ocupations (with a sixty three percent) and health ( with a fifty eight percent). And finally, the financial security with a twenty nine percent. It is very important to stand out the last topic because The financial security in the life of people caused very concerns, because people feel with a big pressure about economics matters.

This can relate with the second graph about the sources of stress because this graph show us that the major source of stress is the financial security with a thirty six percent. This percent is very similar with the topic of death and illness with a thirty four percent. Personally, I think that the major source of stress must be the death and illness because I worry more family thing that the economic matters.

It is necessary to stand out that the topic about children’s future have only six percent. I think that this topic must have more percent because it is a really a source of stress. For my opinion the future about our childrens is very important. In my case I will like to give the best education to my childrens and it is a big source of stress.

Well, I think that this topics of graphs are important, because they do that the people have more conscience of them.

viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2009

Problems of teenager

I think that the problems of teenager is very interesant because this difficulties allow us to penetrate in the study of violence and sexual abuse. This area is most relevant to the psychology of nowadays, because the knowledge of this problems allow us to prevent and help the teenager who was smart or forced.

The survey, by the NSPCC and Bristol University, found that a quarter of girls suffered physical violence by their boyfriends. Nevertheless, many girls said that they felt fear in counting about the abuse because they didn’t want to lose their boyfriend. The researches said that the young women who have older boyfriends run more risks.

That’s not all, Some girls said that they thought that the violence and sexual abuse in the relationships is normal. The researches cannot believe this.
The researches propose that the child protection professional, policymakers and anti-bullying groups must give more priority and taken care about the violence in the people, overcoat, in the young people.

Besides, in the news said that “parents and schools could perform a vital role in teaching children about loving and safe relationships and what to do if they are suffering from violence or abuse”.

I hope that the persons are aware about this topic, because these problems are the vital importance to the future of the person.

Link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2009/sep/01/teenage-sexual-abuse-nspcc-report